How to add a logo in your email signature ⋆
I found a very easy way to set up an email signature with your logo - check the tutorial here

How to add a logo in your email signature

Many of my clients have asked me how to add their logos on their email signatures, and since I see it’s a common request I have prepared a video tutorial with some instructions to easily set up your logo email signature directly from your phones.

1) Send your logo to your phone email and save the image in your phone

2) Open and select the free trial

3) Add all your information

4) Select the layout and colors

5) Once it’s ready, select the result and copy

6) Open your phone Settings > Mail > Signatures

7) Paste your signature and VOILA! You are ready to send emails 🙂


Just note that the free version of does not allow you to make changes after 30 days from your signature creation, but you can always create a new one in case you need to change or add any info!

I hope you found it useful. I would love to hear your comments.




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